Pattanun Chanpiwat

Pattanun Chanpiwat

Visiting Doctoral Researcher

Aalto University

At Aalto University, he is a Visiting Ph.D. Candidate at the Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, and working with Dr. Fabricio Oliveira. He is currently working on the EasyDR project. This project develops the demand response algorithm based on reinforcement learning for residential households under uncertainty in electricity prices, load demand, and weather conditions.

His main research interests include Optimization Modeling, Equilibrium/Game Theory Models, Operations Research, and Machine Learning.

“In this field you can make a real impact, not just with the innovations and solutions, but if you can make a greener world, and make things more efficient, it helps everyone,” Pattanun said. “I believe that the decision based on science and engineering is crucial for us to plan for a better future.”

  • Optimization Modeling
  • Equilibrium/Game Theory Models
  • Operations Research
  • Machine Learning.
  • MSc in Mechanical Engineering, 2021

    University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A.

  • MSc in Civil Engineering, 2014

    Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A.

  • BSc in Civil Engineering, 2012

    Vinigia Military Institute (VMI), Lexington, Virginia, U.S.A.